Job Board
I had an idea a job board .. I know a lot of you are looking for work. I know I need a lot of work. I can’t afford to have a full staff of writers. I would like to be able to have people who are interested in special projects write for me. I would like to hire from my fan base. I feel that if you support me by coming to my site and sharing my site with others than I should hire you to work for me instead of contracting out of the “family” if you know what I mean.
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Job Board Procedures
I am going to use a bidding approach.
- I will post the job on the Job Board
- Then I will post a sample or a link to sample of what I am looking for.
- I will then ask that you apply
- You will be notified by email if selected and your name will appear on the job board next to your job with the due date (most jobs will have 72 or more to complete)
- You will submit your post with required content and images before or on the due date
- You will submit your post to email subject JOB BOARD
- You will include three images in your post one horizontal and two vertical images. You are more than welcome to include more.
- You will provide your PayPal address in your email
- You will assume the post is okay unless we email you to update or make changes
- You will receive payment on Sunday
Job Board Rules:
You will not be paid until you submit your work. You will be required to do the work yourself and take your own high-quality pictures. This is our Pinterest board to see what we look for Real Advice Gal. <——You can use a cellphone make sure you get your images in natural light if possible. We will now check it using copy scape to prevent duplicate content. The work you complete can’t in anyway be plagiarized. That means the content has to be created by you for me. You will be required to provide photographs if asked.You will have a deadline and it is imperative that you meet your deadline in order to be considered for future jobs and payment. If I assign you a post and you miss the deadline I have the right to refuse your work and not issue payment. The reason is simple the internet is timely. If I ask for New Year’s party ideas and you email me your post in February it is no longer relevant. I was a teacher so I am not a fan of late work or “my dog ate my homework stories.” I feel this way if you were chosen you have gotten an opportunity that someone else wanted to be responsible. I have three kids and a full-time job and I have been known to stay up late hours because if I make a commitment I will do everything I can to deliver on that commitment. I only hire people who have the same “can do attitude”.
You will need to have a PayPal account or be willing to accept amazon cards in exchange for services provided. We will do payroll every Sunday so you will be paid on the closest Sunday to your post. Madame Deals, INC will own all content provided and it can not be duplicated on other sites ever.
CURRENT JOB Board Opportunities:
Real Advice Gal Writer
I am looking for someone who is pregnant currently or has a baby under the age of 1 year old. If that is you fill this form out.
If you do not have a baby or with child, I have these positions below open. (form below)
Now hiring…. if you chose not to give me a price you can assume your rate is $5 for the post.
Note: I do not have time to barter back and forth because it isn’t a good use of my time so either select a price that you feel meets your needs or assume that I am paying $5. I am sure you understand since we receive over 500 emails a day that going back and forth over an article contents price would be better spent actually helping the whole Real Advice Gal community. I am trying my best to spread what I make over a larger community because I believe in providing opportunities to as many people as I can.
Do Not apply if the content you intend to produce is not your own. I will run a scan to determine if it was done by someone else. The images also have to be yours and high quality. I will need a vertical and horizontal image. You can take these with great lightening on your cell phone or camera.
Note: Red means new job
Writer Job #1 Recipes
Scope: Write a 250 word post with three images. An Ingredient Picture, In Process Picture and a Final Picture. The post will include a how to create a meal or food item that can be made with your child. I am a big fan of cooking with your kids.
I would like content similar to recipes on our Recipes Kids Can Make Page.
You can see Fun Easy Recipes for Kids:Monkey Food <—— This is your example
I am open to accepting multiple posts on the same topic because we would all have different items.
- Outdoor Cooking Recipes for Kids
- Cuban Recipes
- Indian Recipes
- Diabetic Kid’s Recipes
- Egg Recipes for Kids
- Indian Recipes
- Breakfast Recipes for Kids
- Gluten Free Recipes
Job #2 – Living on 30,000 or less a year
JOb #3 Tips for saving money.. what is your best idea to save $5 a day. You can write about an idea on this post or make up your own. $5 savings plan
Job #4 If you sell a product and want to create recipes t0 post on my site in exchange for using your buyer link. They will need quality images… (This is a Barter position)
Job 5 – 250- 300 word articles on places in your town to visit on a budget
Job 6 Crafts.. and DIY projects
Job #7 recipes using rotisserie chicken
Job #8 make-ahead breakfast ideas
Job #9 Social Media job- We are looking for a raving fan of ours. One that Likes our posts already, repins our content, and retweets are our ideas. If you already like what we are doing and want to get paid to help us spread the word apply. I would check out our social media prior to applying so you know what we write.
Job #10 writer have you had gastric bypass and you want to share your experience
Job #11 Instapot weight watcher recipe creator
Job #10 Copycat recipes- You can copy the ingredients but not the how to. I like in process pictures to help our readers. You can see my Starbucks Hot chocolate recipe here
Please, make sure you are able to take nice images. You can use your smart phone to do so. This is an example of an image I took with mine.
You can also see the content we create on our Real Advice Gal pinterest board
This is the form to apply for the position
(it scrolls down on the right.. keep filling it out until you get to submit)
If you have a moment repin this for me
only because it is important to me to help others:)
Topic: Job Board