Things to Do in El Paso

El Paso Restaurants You Must Check Out

What are the Fun Things to Do in El Paso Texas?

I had a great time and I fell in love with #ElPaso! Check out my list of Things to Do in El Paso #sponsored

El Paso means to pass through. What if passing through wasn’t that simple what if you couldn’t just pass through and remain unchanged when you left? That happened to me. I was on a press trip visiting El Paso. I thought it would just be another city in Texas. I was wrong.

Things to Do in El Paso

cattleman steakhouse

Listening with love is how I would describe El Paso. Each place is left altered by the people of El Paso. Their hearts, minds, and mission are to leave the land and people better than how they found them. It is evident in everything from the food they prepare to the art that is nestled in the landscape to the revitalization efforts that challenge the people to create a new history while being conscious of maintaining the past.

el paso city

The city is painted with messages of hope, inspiration, and life engrained on a wall, molded into metal, or imprinted on canvas. The golden sun touches the land as the natural resources are manipulated so they can be beneficial to the people. The people are the innovators who strive to make life better for their neighbors. The Kay Bailey Hutchison desalination water plant is an example of one of the ways we saw El Paso leading the way in innovation.

Cattleman steakhouse fillet

El Paso Restaurant

Innovation wasn’t only found in the utility sector it was also found at the dinner table. We ate a meal one a large farm securely tucked into the mountains where the sun painted the rocky landscape with its warm light. The food chain was expertly altered when the normal prey was spared through intelligent thought. The owners of Cattleman’s Steakhouse feed the coyotes leftovers so they do not hunt the cattle on the property. This display of innovative generosity can be seen by the guests of the steakhouse while they also enjoy devouring the local cuisine. The meal was delicious the steak was like butter. I had the petite filet which was plenty especially since the pineapple coleslaw was so delicious that I had to stop myself from slurping. The tenderness and care were not only found on the menu but also found in the location.

magoffin home

When I go to a place I close my eyes. I shut them tight so I can clear my mind of my perception. I open them slowly so I can truly feel what is before me. I want to know what makes a place unique. In El Paso, the love of tradition and culture is what I saw. The Magoffin House  is an 1875 home is a prime example of Territorial style architecture. It was interesting to see a large adobe home that was one of the centers of the town. The Magoffin family was instrumental in the development of El Paso. You can almost hear the stories in the walls of their home.

El Paso Boots

Love is not only found in the heart of the people and the land they call home. It is found in the places they work. Our trip to the Lucchese Boot factory not only reminded me that traditions are important the craftsmen ship of a product made in America is humbling. We saw how each person added to the process and it was a metaphor for the growth and development of El Paso.

El Paso zoo

The Zoo is a prime example of how the community and government have come together to bridge common practices with modern thought and technology. I was impressed to learn how much thought goes into the development of the animals and the experience a guest should have. It is important to continue to educate people on their impact on the world and encourage them to help find a solution when they see a problem. The El Paso Zoo has been instrumental in being impactful not just in their backyard but in the animal’s home countries. They have created programs that strive for conservation and they even send their zookeepers all over the world to make sure that as many animals as possible benefit from their expertise.

baseball el paso

You see expertise and planning are not only evident at the zoo but they are also found at the baseball diamond. We had the pleasure of touring the Southwest Univerisity Park home of the El Paso Chihuahuas. The thing that impressed me most about this space wasn’t the community art that lined the walls, or the fact that this space used to be a government building both are impressive it was the planning for the structure that included everyone being able to see the game. The developers wanted to make sure even if you couldn’t afford a ticket that you and your family could enjoy America’s past time. El Paso’s ability to think beyond profit and to hear the needs of their community set them apart. It made me smile when we placed our hand over our heart and the National Anthem hung in the air with its sweet song that everyone was invited to participate. That is what America is about to me, inclusion.

El Paso meets at the intersection of three states Texas, New Mexico and Chihuahua which lends to its cultural diversity and charm. If you are close or even if you aren’t that close make time to visit El Paso the mix of old and new is seamless. You feel at home even if you have never been there by the familiarity of past nestled firmly in the future. The three reasons to visit El Paso are love, history, and community.

What to do in El Paso?

Catch a game, see a show, visit an important landmark, like the Magoffin Home or hike in the Franklin Mountain, do not leave until you buy some Lucchese boots, and dine at some fantastic restaurants like Cattleman’s Steakhouse and Los Bandidos de Carlos & Mickey’s, and enjoy a glass of wine from La Vina Winery but whatever you do stay and stay a long time.

Important Note: When you visit note you are on Mountain Time.

Explore and visit the wonderful place of El Paso. See this list of things to do in #ElPaso #EPTXFAM #itsallgoodEP @visitelpaso @visitelpasotx #VisitElPaso Share on X
El Paso Restaurants

El Paso Restaurants You Must Check Out