Ask A Blogger: What do you put in your bag for a conference

Packing List for a Blogger

I thought I would share what I bring to a conference to help you pack. I know it is hard to get it all together so I figured I would show what I have in my bag. I think it is important to be prepared for almost anything. Once you have your bag packed you can get everything else you need to organized to be effective at the conference.


  1. Business cards
  2. Schedule for the conference
  3. Hotel reservations
  4. Airplane reservations
  5. important numbers


  1. Ipad2
  2. Ipad cord
  3. Ipad picture downloader
  4. Ipad cleaning clothe
  5. Extension cord
  6. Durcacell Rechargable instant battery
  7. Iphone
  8. Blue tooth/ plug to charge the blue tooth
  9. ear buds
  10. USB drive to save anything I need

Stationary items

  1. notebook
  2. pen
  3. marker
  4. highlighter
  5. tape
  6. scissors
  7. post it notes
  8. calculator
  9. note cards for a quick thank you note
  10. fancy pens to write the thank you note
Fashionable Accessories

  1. bag to carry the swag with my logo
  2. head band and pony tail holder
  3. small purse to hold credit cards money and room key
  4. a check just in case
  5. lip stick with a mirror on it and gloss
  6. tissues
  7. wet wipes
  8. zantac
  9. ibuprofen
  10. hand santizer
  11. mouth wash
  12. brush ups
  13. floss on a stick
  14. stress point lotion
  15. hand lotion
  16. tide on the go
  17. ballet flats
  18. light sweater that is easy to fold
  19. extra tights just in case
  20. snacks
  21. $1.00 in coins for a soda if needed
In my hotel room I will have:

  1. Mac computer
  2. Neat Receipts portable scanner to log in all my new business cards