Peeps Decorations You Can Make

Peeps Decorations You Can Make


We love our Peeps. The problem is my kids open them up and eat one. Then they get stale. I decided I would come up with  Peeps: Decorations You Can Make with your kids. I believe it is so important to spend time with your kids and creating projects that are self directed are an amazing way to make memories. I always take out a bunch of items and let them make choices and come up with projects to share with the family. They have a sense of accomplishment and pride to show everyone their craft. I have to say that my children ask me to take pictures of their crafts because they are so excited then they ask me to blog about them. I of course do so to inspire you to make memories with your children.

  Peeps Decorations You Can Make

We try to do our decorations of centerpieces for under $5. I have one of these floral wheels on hand because you can reuse them. It was $1.79 and then the peeps were $.99 a pack. You will need two packs. The I found some ribbon in my collection. I usually buy it from the $1 bin at target or Michaels craft store. You will also need a glue gun and glue sticks or a good craft glue.

The first thing you do is take gift wrapping ribbon or ribbon and wind it around the wheel to cover it. You can paint it if you want but then it wouldn’t recycle again.The next thing you do is arrange them around the wheel. Once you have your idea complete then you simply apply the glue to secure them to the floral wheel. I then took ribbon to the top to make a wreath. You can leave yours off and place it on your table for your $5 centerpiece. I just think this is a great way to recycle Stale Peeps.

Topic: Peeps Decorations You Can Make