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Subscriber Freebie


Thank you for subscribing… Now lets get you ready to save money. I am not an extreme couponer. I never have been. I am however someone who believes you can save with a little advance planning. You can read our series about the extremely normal coupon shopper.

This is not me……..

extreme-couponing-memeThis is me….

normal coupon shopper


We no longer offer store policies for printing because they change so often. This video will show you how to use the binder and why I suggest the items I do. I will tell you I used coupons and was able to pay for my children to go to college. You can see my post financial success to learn more. I still use them on the items I buy and the services I use.

This is what I suggest you buy for yours…

  • Fabric three ring binder

      • Zipper Pouch

      • Vis-a-vis pen (wet erase pen)

      • Scissors
      • Sheet of Labels

      • 50 Nine pocket coupon organizing sheets

Order two of these

      • Sheet protectors

Here are your FREE inserts to print out

Free Printable Grocery List

If you want to save money the number #1 thing to do is write a list of the items you need. Then you find coupons to go with them. If you stick with your Madame Deals Printable Grocery List then you will also save money. I use this list. I laminated it and I use a dry erase marker to keep track of what we need each week. It is a great tool and helps my husband and myself stay on budget. It is yours to print. Please leave my logo on the bottom since it took a lot of time to create. Let me know what your favorite tip is.


If you want to know if it is a “good” Price print out our guide!


GOOD BUY PRICE LIST <— Click to print

Note: These lists may not be altered and it can only be used for personal use.

coupon label

Coupon Binder  labels <—– click to print

Coupon Binder labels  Pdf Version <—- Click to print