Crafting with Kids: Making Fun out of Winter

Fun Winter Projects for Kids

Let me start off by saying that I live in the wrong state for about half the year. I am in Wisconsin and I will be the first to tell you, I don’t do winter well. That means getting my kids outside to play becomes a chore during those months of the year where there is snow on the ground or it is super cold.

I do know that getting my kids out to play is important but, I despise the cold. That being said, we do get out when when the temperature permits but, I am ready to come back inside long before my kids are.

This year though, I vowed that no matter how much I would much rather be inside where it is much warmer, that I was going to interact with my kids and join their winter fun.

Although it has been cold here, we haven’t actually had much for snow. Once we finally had enough snow (still not much but enough) to get out and do something with we went out and had a snowball fight and built a snowman.

It took me a few years into this parenting gig to realize that sometimes simple is best. It never really occurred to me until my daughter was about four to teach her how to make a snow angel or teach her the “secrets” to making a good snowman.  With our second child being two we included him in on the fun this year and I plan to take time to remember that even if winter isn’t my cup of tea (or coffee) my kids love it and that is the point: To make memories with them.

So, take time to make memories with your kids even if what is happening isn’t necessarily your favorite thing. Looking at it through their eyes makes it fun again!


Meet Stephanie! She’s a 24 year old stay at home Mom, who couldn’t ask for a better blessing than to be home with her daughter!! Their favorite things to do together is working on art projects and they enjoy sharing them with people at Crafting with Bug!! In her free time she enjoys reading and scrapbooking!!

Check out all of Crafting with Kids article here!

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