Chutzpah: Saying NO

Chutzpah. This is a word that is used often by myself because sometimes I just can’t believe what people do. I mean really! I thought it would be fun to share our Chutzpah moments. The only rules are no names of stores, people, or events. You may also not use inappropriate language. Leave a comment listing your favorite Chutzpah moment! I mean laughter is the best medicine.

chutzpah Or khutspe. Nerve, extreme arrogance, brazen presumption. In English, chutzpah often connotes courage or confidence, but among Yiddish speakers, it is not a compliment.

We wait for years for our children to talk. Then they find the word “NO”. We then begin to wish they never learned how to speak. We are going through the “No” phase. I am comforted by the fact that my children say “NO Thank You.” The trick is to teach then when they have a choice and when they do not. I am working on balancing their independence with their responsibilities. My daughter was asked to take a bath. She replied “No Thanks mom” I explain this was something that was required. That resulted in a series of “No.” I said, “No” and that means “NO” responses from her. I tried not to last since she was merely repeating my directives.

I had to switch my tactics and explain that life is full of choices and this isn’t one of those time. She said, she can’t tell time. I just gave up and offered to get out the bubble bath. I think sometimes in life you just need to speak their language.




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