Chutzpah: Wet Blanket

Chutzpah. This is a word that is used often by myself because sometimes I just can’t believe what people do. I mean really! I thought it would be fun to share our Chutzpah moments. The only rules are no names of stores, people, or events. You may also not use inappropriate language. Leave a comment listing your favorite Chutzpah moment! I mean laughter is the best medicine.

chutzpah Or khutspe. Nerve, extreme arrogance, brazen presumption. In English, chutzpah often connotes courage or confidence, but among Yiddish speakers, it is not a compliment.


The wet blanket. There is always one the in the crowd. The doubter. The person that has a reason to not do something. I decided to ignore the wet blankets of this world and do what I think it right. There is always one person that will try to talk you out of something. I believe it takes Chutzpah to stick to your guns and get it done.

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