Keep Your Pets Safe with Pet Hub and Pet Protect 360

Keep Your Pets Safe with Pet Hub and Pet Protect 360

Pet Hub


I have been a dog owner most of my life and currently we have 3 dogs that make our family complete. I have had all my dogs microchipped but recently discovered the problem with “only” microchipping a dog. If a dog is found and the person does not have access to a vet or shelter with a Microchip scanner then they have no way to find out who the dog belongs to. . My dogs are licensed in our city but once again if the city animal control or clerk are closed, no one can obtain my information.  Yes, I have bought tags with their names and our information but what about when we are on vacation? How many tags does my dog need to have so I can feel that my dog is safe? I found that the answer is 1 (this is on top of any city or state required tags.). I can purchase a tag from Pet Hub and anyone with a smart phone or computer can find out where my dog belongs. 

 What is Pet Hub and Pet Protect 360?

Pet Hub 2

Pet Hub is a Pet Tag with a QR code that is linked to your information and your pets information. Anyone with a smartphone or computer can locate who a dog goes with when they are missing and you are able to report your animal as missing. The best part is (unless you upgrade) once you purchase your tag there are no additional fees.

To find out how easy it is to sign up and purchase a Pet Hub Pet Tag check out 

Pet Protect 360 is a new product being offered by PetHub. It is a DNA Profile, derived from a sample collected by a simple cheek swab, provides you with your dog’s unique Genetic Fingerprint, which is generated using the same DNA technology that the FBI and other law enforcement uses to verify identity in the event your pet is lost or stolen

I know have my dogs registered and swabbed so I can rest easy at night. My dogs also feel lighter because they only have 2 tags now on their collars. Keep your pets safe and protected by purchasing your Pet Tag and Pet Protect 360 Kit.

Order here———>> Pet Hub

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