How to Prepare for Advocare Diet

Advocare Diet

advocare challenge

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You’ve heard about Advocare Weight Loss program and now you have been convinced and have decided that you want to lose those extra weight and be fit and healthy as well so you’re going to start on the Advocare 24 day challenge. Well, I want you to be successful like we did (read our Advocare Reviews), so we’re sharing with you some awesome tips on how to prepare for Advocare Diet!

Start your ADVOCARE 24 Day Challenge

How to Prepare for Advocare Diet:

1. Get a good personal blender and bottle. I use Hamilton Beach 51101B Personal Blender with Travel Lidir?t=madadeal 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0017XHSAE and 28 Oz. Blender Bottle W/wire Shaker Ballir?t=madadeal 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0050QP536


2. Be organized – Make sure you’re taking the right products in order daily. Here’s a great tip, place the products that you’re going to take daily in a ziplock bag and include a checklist to make sure that you won’t forget.

Here’s an example of how to do it.


Get our printable daily checklists:

photo (1)

Once you have the checklist, cut each and arrange according to days.

photo (2)

Place each checklist in a ziplock bag.

photo (3)

On each bag, put the products that you need to take.

3. Make sure that you’re eating the right food for your Advocare Diet. Check out our Advocare recipes


4. Get the extra Advocare Tools – You can download the user’s guide, they also have The Official 24-Day Challenge™ App for Android or you can also order AdvoCare Workout Series – Can You 24 DVDs.

5. Save Money on Exercise Equipment by doing exercise that doesn’t need equipment or just use things inside your home to workout. Also take advantage of Free Exercise Videos Online

Now you’re ready to start. Buy  now >>>> Advocare 24 Day Challenge!


AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge Bundle with Spark and 10 Day Cleanse 

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