Spring Break Stay at Home Vacation Ideas for Kids

It is that time of year. You know it is going to happen, and you need to be prepared. What am I talking about? Spring Break and it is around the corner. The kids are coming home for a week, and I need to think of educational things we can do together. I am also on a strict budget, so I needed stay at home vacation ideas for kids. I have a limited amount of time to prepare because I dropped the ball on being ready to work from home and have the kids home. The budget is a factor because we are saving for a new garage, so I need to make sure what I plan counts, so we headed to Walmart to stock up.

Spring Break Snackation and Stay at Home Vacation Ideas for Kids

Stay at Home Vacation Ideas for Kids

I decided over the week that I would come up with both fun and educational spring break activities for kids. What is more fun than playing in the dirt? What if I told you after playing in the dirt that I came up with a great idea that is not only educational, but it will help us save money. We are going to grow our own garden this year. It turns out that this is the perfect time of year to begin to plant our seeds. We started by going to the library to determine what kinds of seeds grow during the month of our spring break. Then we decided how much we wanted to spend. We set our garden budget at $10. We found everything we needed for that.

Gardening materials for kids

Then we created a free garden printable for kids. We wanted to make sure we were able to document our efforts and see how far our $10 budget would go in terms of producing food for our family. The free garden printables for kids was also a project during our stay at home vacation. I had the children think of what they wanted and then we made it because it is important to involve your children in the learning process.

In order to replicate our efforts you will need:

Free printable gardening journal for kids

Free Garden Printable for Kids

Sticks, plastic knife, or wood to put the garden tag on
Measuring spoons
one pack of seeds for each child

Jif® to Go® Peanut Butter

Stay at home vacation ideas for kids allow you to not only spend time with your children but create life-long learning experiences and memories. I knew as we were playing with dirt and starting seeds the last thing I wanted to be responsible for was making a lunch that requires tons of time. I am thankful for the Smucker’s® Uncrustables and the Jif® To Go™ Peanut Butter, these are perfect for Staycation Snackation. I was able to pack up a basket to keep with us outside in the garage so the kids can help themselves while we were starting our seeds for our gardening project. The single servings of Jif® To Go™ Peanut Butter will help them keep their snack separated from their siblings. I always stock up on these at Walmart because of the price and selection. You can never have enough Smucker’s® Uncrustables® Sandwiches. I even eat them on my way to work out!

Stay at home vacation ideas for kids

While we were gardening, my children came up with this adorable snack idea to celebrate our first planting. You will need these items to replicate our Flowers. We served this on the last day of spring break after we watered and recorded our seed’s daily progress. Gardening is a great way to teach children science, reading, math, and social skills. It is also a great way to get kids to eat things they usually say no to. This table garden is an excellent way to plant your seeds if you lack space or even use pots.

Ingredients for smuckers flower

Smucker’s® Uncrustables® Sandwiches
Smucker’s® Squeeze™ Fruit Spread
Jif® to Go® Peanut Butter

Yummy snack with Uncrustables® Sandwiches, Jif® to Go® Peanut Butter and Smucker’s® Squeeze™ Fruit Spread

Stay at home vacation snack with Uncrustables® Sandwiches, Jif® to Go® Peanut Butter and Smucker’s® Squeeze™ Fruit Spread

Staycation snackation with Uncrustables® Sandwiches, Jif® to Go® Peanut Butter and Smucker’s® Squeeze™ Fruit Spread

I put all of these items on the table and allowed my children to use their imagination as they made their lunch. They had the best time, and I enjoyed watching their creativity. Stay at home vacation ideas for kids are easy to come up with just think of things your children like to do and plan a unit around it. Do not forget that Walmart is your place to stock up on all of your Snackation needs! Visit My Snackation for more recipes, tips and ideas.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of The J.M Smucker Company . The opinions and text are all mine.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of The J.M Smucker Company . The opinions and text are all mine.

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