Different Ways to Grow Your Own Food

Different Ways to Grow Your Own Food

How to garden at home

I absolutely LOVE my garden! My son, who was three at the time, melted my heart this summer when he said “Mom isn’t it so great that we can grow and pick the food that we eat?” This is how to Garden at home.  I will tell you when you decide to grow a garden one of the things to consider is what grows when. What will work in your area and what do you need to get started. We have a great printable on what grows when. This will help you to save money on vegetables.

These are some different ways to grow food in your own home.

How to garden at home

Table Gardening is a fantastic way to grow your own vegetables

By Mrs. Not Made of Money

Growing your own food at home can be economically beneficial if you take the time and grow the proper foods in the proper manner. With our economy in the condition it is in, everyone is trying to save money any way they can. First you have to decide what you want to grow and then choose how you want to grow it. We have a small garden in our backyard. I don’t try to grow all our fruits and vegetables but I am able to grow a substantial amount of tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, and green beans. The kids help with the gardening chores and actually look forward to harvest time! I’ve listed a few methods for growing your own food at home, depending on the amount of space you have, as well as the amount of time you want to spend gardening:

Window Gardens
Window gardens are the most popular because they require little or no maintenance to keep them growing. These are grown in small containers or trays. Because the containers needed to grow herbs and sprouts are so small, they can be grown in your kitchen window as long there is sufficient light. The plants will need plenty of light in order to thrive and grow to their full potential and will need to be watered every day. They also should be picked when they start growing in order to keep it producing what you may need.

Small Gardens in Your Yard
Growing vegetables and fruit in small gardens in your yard can be productive. These gardens can produce vegetables such as tomatoes and corn, along with fruit such as strawberries and watermelons. This type of food growing needs only to be watered if Mother Nature doesn’t come through. They need to be weeded out every so often so that the fruits and vegetables can breathe and grow. Yard gardens require more maintenance than any of the other types of gardens. This is the type of garden we currently have but we are going to be trying a raised bed garden this Fall.

Raised Bed Gardens
Raised bed gardens are easy to make. Using this type of garden for growing food at home is fairly easy, as it does not require as much work as a traditional garden does. The soil is piled above the ground rather in the ground. This makes the soil easier to work with. A raised bed garden can be boxed to help support the garden or it can just be loose and in a pile above the ground. I was lucky enough to find a raised bed garden starter set on clearance at my local Wal-Mart. (Read how you can also build raised beds out of scraps laying around!)

Layered Gardens
Layered gardens are good for those that care for the environment. To make a layered garden all that is required are things that might be lying around the house or yard. Basically you just to put layer after layer of newspaper or junk mail down to make the garden bed. Leaves, leftover vegetable pieces, or any kind of paper can also be used. Layered gardens require no digging or tilling and are very easy to maintain. As a matter of fact, besides the window garden, this is the easiest to care for.

Table gardening is a great way to garden without a lot of work

Table garden– They are so easy to do and cost effective. We just love ours we bought and couldn’t be happier. It provides a plentiful yield and happy kids.

You can read our tips for Table Gardening <—–

This is  How to get your kids to eat vegetables. 


How to Garden at home