Importance of Healthy Living

Wellness Wednesday

Importance of Healthy Living

healthy living

100 Days and Counting of Healthy Living

When I started working on a healthier me back in November I knew the journey would be difficult. I also knew that usually when I was faced with difficulty I would quit; especially when it came to weight loss, diet and exercise. Being overweight, out of shape and out of control was really all I had ever known. However, with each passing day it seemed that I was able to find strength to keep going, I realized the importance of healthy living. Day one turned to two and two into three and before I knew my 24 day body de-tox was over and I was on my own, ready to tackle the remainder of the weight myself. Being surrounded by an incredible group of family and friends to encourage and support me on this journey made it a bit easier, but beating the addiction was and still is not easy task. The task is mine and mine alone. Some days it is so difficult I want to quit while other days I feel as if I can conquer the world. The difficult days have decreased in number which has allowed me to focus on getting stronger physically and emotionally. I’ve even made the decision to incorporate weight training into my gym schedule.

Importance of Healthy Living

Being a fan of list making I thought I’d share some “fun facts” from the past 100 days

The most obvious is the fact that I have lost 46 pounds! The person staring back at me in the bathroom mirror each morning has had a dramatic physical change but even more the emotional change has in my opinion become more profound. Of course I want and need to feel better, and as the pounds fall away I realize that the heaviness in within my soul has decreased as well.

My energy level is at an all-time high. No longer do I feel as if I’m going to hack up a lung walking up a flight of stairs. Now, I take the stairs instead of elevators, I keep pace with my husband when walking into a store (or anywhere for that matter).

I’ve worn out a pair of sneakers; I’ve walked nearly 300 miles in 100 days.

It has been 100 days since I’ve had a soda, eaten sugar, fried food, white bread, white rice or ordered a pizza and I am absolutely fine! I no longer hyper-ventilate when someone offers me a piece of cake or some other sweet treat.

Saying “no thank you” has become quite easy.

My new jeans have gotten too big.

My feet have gotten smaller.

My skin is clear and blemish free

I’ve made going to the gym a daily priority because not only do I understand that I need it but I enjoy it.

I’ve learned to eat those “strange” foods and vegetables like Brussels sprouts and soy beans.

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up or just get healthier, I encourage you to do it. Put one foot in front of the other as you take the journey to a healthier happier you and before you know it you find that you are looking at a new you in the mirror just like me.

Here’s to my next 100 days!


For more weight loss tips and notes about the importance of healthy living read these:

Check out Karla’s 24 Day Advocare Challenge updates!

Topic: Importance of Healthy Living