Meditation Weight Loss

Wellness Wednesday

Meditation Weight Loss

The importance of emotional health

meditation weight loss

One of the things I have discovered on my journey to health and wellness is that physical health and emotional health really go hand in hand. In the beginning my primary focus was shedding the pounds. I wanted the weight gone and I wanted it gone sooner than later. I quickly began to realize that the weight was a bi-product of what was going on. In order for me to conquer my food addiction I had to re-wire my brain to acknowledge food as fuel for my body. Until that point food was my drug of choice. I used food to medicate my emotional self and to hide behind the sadness and anxiety that settled on my soul like a lead weight.

At the encouragement of my friend, mentor and long distance coach I started making time for morning meditation. Carving out time to sit still and focus on the peace and quiet that my emotional self-needed has become essential to my overall well-being. I have found that starting my day with a lit candle, inspirational music and reading from my Bible is exactly what I need to greet each new day with a positive attitude and clarity. Once in a while, I find it necessary to set aside extra time at the end of my day to unwind, regain focus and allow my mind to clear itself from the chaos of my day.

Another key element to successful emotional health is learning to breathe properly. Learning to breathe effectively is important to both physical and emotional health. Quite often we go about our lives not paying attention to the way we breathe. When I first started working out I found myself unable to catch my breath which caused anxiety and exhaustion. Learning how to breathe deeply not only improves ones physical health it also helps clear our minds, reduce stress and enhances time spent in meditation. It produces tranquility, serenity and precious peace of mind.

Weight loss cannot be the primary focus of a healthy lifestyle change. Acknowledging the need to eliminate excessive weight from our physical bodies is important, however, learning to incorporate healthy emotional habits is a must; healthy bodies require healthy minds and healthy minds require healthy bodies.

Whatever meditative path you choose I encourage you to make the decision to improve both your physical and emotional health. For me, I welcome the earlier alarm each day allowing me to get my mind on the right track for each day. When you have your emotional self healthy I believe that your physical well-being will follow suit. Be well.


For more weight loss tips, read these:

Topic: Meditation Weight Loss