The Meal Plans You Need

We are still talking about managing our debt so why are we talking about meal plans? Let me go back to my story. I had a goal it was to pay for prepaid college for my daughter. I didn’t have the $281.00 a month to do that. I cried.
I cried because it is hard to not be able to do for your children. I cried because I had agreed to be a stay at home mom and I didn’t have the ability to add to the income of our house. I cried because it was the first time I really wanted something and I couldn’t have it for our child.
Then I decided I can do this. I can use the money we had in a way that would allow me to provide for my child’s future. That is what I did. You can still follow my path and write out your budget. I suggest starting with this post >>> How to Save Money Using a Calendar
Then once you have your spending. You need to look for places you can save. You can read about how I immediately saved after a couple hours of work >>> Make $100 Today Managing Your Debt
How do meal plans work? Why do they save you money? Well, lack of a plan will always cost you money. You see when I do not meal plan I end up in the grocery store more than once. That means I end up buying more than what I need. It happens all the time because you are there you pick up other items. If you go in once and get what you need you are done. Then you know what you spent for the week on food. You also save money because you aren’t going to eat dinner out. When we go out even if we go get subs and drink water and do not get chips it is $30 for the five of us. That is with two kid’s size subs. If I meal plan I can make a meal for $20 or less and that includes a nice steak. You see I would rather spend $10 less and serve my family steak than pay more and give them subs.
These are some of our favorite meal plans. I would also suggest trying to cook some of these ahead and just use these storage containers to Rubbermaid clear snap lock.
That makes it easier to just pull them out and cook the food. I usually do this on Sunday afternoon. I make two or three meals so I am ready for the week.
If you are a slow cooker fan these are awesome
These are some of our