What do you get when you have 17 items on a list and someone asks to fit something else on? What happens when three people ask you to drive them three different locations all at the same time?
Eventually you burn out, get angry, or you take control and cancel everything so you can make room for you. That is why the new trend of mom vacations is taking off. I decided to take one with my friend Dana at www.DanaVento.com.
What is a mom vacation and why do you need one?
Mom Vacation – (noun) It is a trip where you plan nothing except who you are going on the trip with and the dates. You may want to plan lodging and you may not. You just go to a location and relax, eat when your hungry, wake up and go to bed when you want. Get this you do not have to worry about anyone.
Pick the right friend. You need to find someone you can spend time with and enjoy the time you are spending together. Trust me choose wisely. That friend must have similar energy levels and interests or this will turn into another responsibility instead of a good time. Luckily, I chose well.
Can you get your schedules to work out? It took us weeks to get our schedules to coordinate and then we just went on a mom vacation.
Determine a budget. You need to be on the same page in terms of what you will pay for on your own and what you will split. I would be honest and be upfront. This is a post I wrote about how I save up for vacations.
Think about where you want to stay. What is important to you. I love a great bed, amazing view, and exceptional service all located near activities that interest me.
Thank you, Sanderling Resort for hosting Dana and myself. You resort was the perfect combination of beach chic and elegance. I couldn’t help myself from sitting on a porch and enjoying the ocean air or walking across the resort to the Marsh. The Resort offers everything you can want and more Smores by a firepit or a relaxing day at the spa. Enjoy the sunrise or a walk as the sunset. This is the place to relax and return to your inner spirit.
The next truth is calories do not count but I worked out to be sure.
5) Good food is a requirement. I will share Where to eat in OBXOuterbanks, NC.
6) A good glass of something. You may not like adult beverages that is just fine have a fruit drink sans the alcohol but indulge.
7) Have Fun! I mean it just let everything else go and concentrate on what you enjoy doing. I love to explore so look at what is in the area and go. I usually try to take in some of the culture of a place and absorb the history.
8) Go to one another room and just be silly. I mean why not! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
Mom Vacation should be part of your vocabulary, your plan, and your reality. It is admitting you need a break and taking one. There isn’t anything wrong with it.
Cook, Baker, Phototaker, Fitness Mover and Shaker, Cupcake Tester, Deal Maker, Adventurous Undertaker, Do Good “Deeder”, Teacher, Mom, Wife, Patriot for Life & Giver of Good Advice – RealAdviceGal